ユネスコ (UNESCO)について整理

本当は一つ前のエントリ-に書いたUNESCO Mobile Learning Weekで感じたことについて書きたかったのですが、それは次にして、その書きたかったことの背景を理解する上で一旦そもそもUNESCOについて知っておきたいなと思ったので自分の勉強のアウトプット用としてこのエントリ-を書きます。


ユネスコ。日本語では国際連合教育科学文化機関。英語でU.N.E.S.C.O.。United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization。本部のウェブサイトによるとUNESCOは国連の"Intellectual" agencyと位置づけられています。
At a time when the world is looking for new ways to build peace and sustainable development, people must rely on the power of intelligence to innovate, expand their horizons and sustain the hope of a new humanism. UNESCO exists to bring this creative intelligence to life; for it is in the minds of men and women that the defences of peace and the conditions for sustainable development must be built. - See more at: http://en.unesco.org/about-us/introducing-unesco#sthash.P1efOZEJ.dpuf


加盟国(Member States)は195カ国(最近追加された国は2011年の10月の南スーダン、同11月のパレスチナ)+マカオなどを含む9のAssociate Members(参照)。

2年ごとに予算をつくり、直近の2012-2013通常予算(reguuar budget)は6.53億ドル。そして(これが実はブログを書く為に知りたかったことですが)このContributing membersのトップ4が米国、日本、ドイツ、フランス。それぞれの分担率は22%、15%、8%、6%となっており、この4カ国だけで半分を超えるという状況です。(参照

ちなみに、この分担率は各国の経済規模(GNI *GNI = GDP + net receipts of primar income from abroad)等を考慮して定められているようで、2006年時点では米22%、日本は約19.6%、ドイツは約8.7%、英国6.2%でした。


直近の8カ年計画(2014-2021)は150ページ近くもあるPDFですが、この計画内でGlobal priorityとして強調されている二つの事項は(前回の中期計画と同じ)Support of AfricaとGender equalityの二つ。確かに今週のUNESCO Mobile Learning Weekもアフリカ大陸の各国を代表する人が多かったり(他ももちろんいましたが)、キーノートプレゼンの中にも男女の間で存在する教育機会の格差について何度も言及されているのが印象的でした。

  1. Education for the 21st Century
  2. Fostering Freedom of Expression(2012年のAnnual ReportではこれはDefendingという動詞が使われていました) 
    • Press Freedom on All Platforms, Media Development, Safety of Journalists, Media Pluralism and Diversity
  3. Protecting Our Heritage and Fostering Creativity(2012年のAnnual Reportではこれは"Safeguarding and Transmitting our Heritage"というものと"Fostering Creativity for Development"と別れていました)
    • World Heritage, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Heritage at Risk, Culture for Sustainable Development, Diversity of Cultural Expressions, Arts and Artists, Museums
  4. Learning to Live Together
    • Social Transformations, Intercultural Dialogue, Democracy and Global Citizenship, Building Peace Programmes, Sport and Antidoping, Health Education
  5. Building Knowledge Societies
    • Access to Information, Internet Governance, Open Solutions, Information preservation, Ethics of Information, ICT in Education
  6. One Planet, One Ocean
    • Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), Preserving the Ocean, Monitoring the Ocean, Addressing Climate Change, Tsunami and Ocean Hazards, Natural Heritage, Underwater Cultural Heritage
  7. Science for a Sustainable Future
    • Investing in Science, Technology and Innovation, Building Capacity in Science and Engineering, Water Security, Geology Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Ethics of Science and Technology, Science for Society


Knowledge societies must build on four pillars: freedom of expression; universal access to information and knowledge; respect for cultural and linguistic diversity; and quality education for all. - Knowledge Societies項目より
UNESCO considers that ICTs can contribute to universal access to education, equity in education, the delivery of quality learning and teaching, teachers’ professional development as well as improve education management, governance and administration provided the right mix of policies, technologies and capacities are in place. -  -
UNESCO works with the educational community worldwide – Ministries of Education, specialised institutions, teachers, and of course learners - to effectively leverage the potential of ICTs in order to benefit quality teaching and learning. - ICT (Information, Communication Technologies) in Education項目より
The Organization focuses on increasing equity and access, improving quality, and ensuring that education develops knowledge and skills in areas such as sustainable development, HIV and AIDS, human rights and gender equality. - Education for the 21st Century項目より
According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), at least two million new teaching positions are needed worldwide to ensure universal primary education by 2015 (2011 projections). This “teacher deficit” is an obstacle to reaching the internationally-agreed Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDG). - Teachers項目より 
Education is a basic human right and is essential for the exercise of all other rights. Yet there are still 774 million illiterate in the world and 57 million children are still out of primary school, and many more young and adult women and men are not learning what they need to know to lead healthy fulfilling lives.  - Monitoring and Coordinating Education Development項目より

「Rethinking Education」というページ

UNESCOホームページ内の興味深い3種のリソースも発見しました。まず一つ目はThe Future of Educationのページ。選び抜かれたされたリソースがリストされています。 ビデオもかの有名なSir Ken Robinsonのものだったり、Khan Academyのものだったり、Howard Gardner教授なのがなんだか嬉しい。リンクされているPDFもほぼ全て最近のものでいつか目を通したい、と感じるところ。

次はVisions of Learning。UNESCOが1972年と1996年に発行した書籍が同組織の大切にする「学び(Learning)」の在り方のベースにある、とし、その背景思想といったものが紹介されている様子。

最後はDevelopment & Knowledgeのページ。教育と学びといったテーマに向き合う際に理解が必要とされる「より広範囲の(国家、社会の)開発に関わるトレンド」に関するリサーチ内容が共有されています。例えば移民問題、就労問題、文化、インターネット使用、健康、人口、など。


While extreme poverty has been reduced, inequalities are growing within and among countries. Mounting inequalities raise new challenges to the enjoyment of human rights and to the values of social justice, solidarity and inclusion. 
They translate into unequal access to quality education, to the benefits of scientific information, to freedom of expression, to the right to participate in cultural life. 
The narrowing of inequality gaps is a major strategic challenge. Even though the percentage of the population living on less than US$1.25 a day - the amount determining extreme poverty - has halved between 1981 and 2008, falling from 52% to 22%, or from 1.9 to 1.3 billion inhabitants, socio-economic inequalities have risen on average. 
Absolute poverty has increased in sub-Saharan Africa. Gender inequalities continue to give cause for concern everywhere. Income inequalities are not only a challenge to developing countries alone, but also to many OECD member countries.




関連エントリ-:Quipper at UNESCO Mobile Learning Week 2014 (ユネスコについて考えるきっかけになったエントリ-)
関連エントリ-:緒方貞子さん、NHKスペシャル番組、NYの勉強会で (国際開発に関するエントリ-)